Friday, March 30, 2007


I have to confess... a few years ago I could barely turn the computer on and off. Boy, have things changed. My husband used to pull his hair out trying to teach me the basics, but it never clicked. Now that I have a vested interest in it my computer skills have evolved. I am trying to keep up with everyone so the next step is "Blogging". I am always up for a challenge. It only took me 2 days to post my header. How am I doing? LOL! It is very addicting and I am very stubborn. So this starts a positive challenge in my life. This will be fun!


Jen Shults said...

Ticia! It's looking great! I love the new header. :)

Chelsea said...


It looks fabulous!!!


Chris said...

I accidentally stumbled across your new blog. It looks great and since I like stubborn people ( I´m stubborn, too ;O), I certainly will come back.

Greetings from Germany, Chris

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Be warned, it's addictive. :)


Kristen said...

Looks Great!!! I SO need healp with the header thing LOL - any advice??? a tutorial??

can't wait t read more from you!
